Did you know that who you want to be already exists inside you? 

You are already who you want  to be. 

It’s simply and profoundly a matter of uncovering who you truly are 


That’s where empowerment life coaching comes in…

We sometimes lose sight of who we are and what we want because we’ve spent so much time trying to live into someone else’s idea of who we’re “supposed” to be.

This isn’t your fault. 

You’ve received so many messages throughout your life about who you are “supposed” to be. Some of those messages have worked well for you. Some of them haven’t. 

Those that haven’t are why you feel lost and uncertain.

Those feelings are your guidance system.
They are there to show you it’s time to do things differently – to let yourself be you – to live life your way.

It’s  time to stop living someone else’s version of who you are.

It’s  time to look at what you really want. 

It’s  time to stop telling yourself you can’t have it.

It’s  time to start letting the brilliance of who you truly are shine through.


Empowerment Life Coaching
I see you.

I see your unique brilliance.

I know you see it too and you’re simply having a hard time letting it shine.

That ache you feel inside.…the yearning to live your life on your terms. the desire to be who you truly are and figure out what you want.…that is your soul calling to you to uncover and reclaim the True You!


Empowerment Coaching Triad


The process of allowing yourself to be set free from the old stories and patterns that are holding you back.


The decision to change what you believe about yourself to move in the direction of what you want.


The inevitable renovation of your life as a result of the shifts in your thoughts, feelings & actions.


I get it.

It can be scary to think about change.

And yet, I know that embracing that fear and  allowing yourself to uncover who you truly are, is some of the most amazing work we can ever do.

It’s so much better than continuing to feel lost and uncertain about who you are and where you are in your life.

This is where you get  to decide. 

Are you going to stay in the familiar confines of the way things are?

OR…Are you going step into the unfamiliar territory of becoming and living into who you truly are?

There’s discomfort in both, but only the latter will take you where you want to go.

In the words of Neale Donald Walsh, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”


Are you ready?

I believe you are because you’re here. 

You were born to live into the life YOU want and to BE yourself.

It’s possible for you.

It’s essential work that will feed your entire being.

And you are so worth it.

This essential work with me begins with your desire to shift, to look within.


To Release the old stories, thoughts and belief systems.

Reset  the habits and patterns that are no longer working for you.

So you can Reclaim yourself and the life you want to LIVE.

If you’re curious about one-to-one coaching to reclaim yourself and your life, reach out for a free consultation so we can chat.

Client Experience


I learned that I am powerful beyond my imagination I can achieve anything I want in life. Having a said that, having a great life coach always helps to accelerate that process! Kathryn’s warm, friendly, open, attentive and helpful nature helped. She successfully created a safe and secure environment for me to open up about everything. Furthermore, her finesse as a coach definitely helped me reached my goal. She provided incredible support and offered objective guidance with regards to helping me face my phobia, upgrade my confidence and overcome self doubt.

Ashley W

My time working with Kathryn has been so impactful. It’s been hard at times; it’s been revealing; it’s been invigorating. And it’s ALL why I’m (still) here! I love that we don’t just dig up the “stuff” but she helps me face it, talk through it, release the shame in it, and find ways to move past it on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis. I know the progress I’ve made has been measurable. I’ve been fortunate to work with different coaches and have had access to various personal development tools. This has been some of my most worthwhile time, money and energy spent so far.

Justine F

I had my fears, my skepticism, my doubts. What will come up? Am I ready for that? Will this really change me? Can one person really correct a lifetime of thinking and patterning? I am here to tell you that after the first chat I felt confident that this was going to go somewhere different than my limited thinking about life coaching. After 6 weeks, my thoughts had changed with the guidance of Kathryn. Being gently guided to my own intuitions and instincts with such compassionate support is a truly priceless thing.

Khari J

I began coaching after years of struggles that left me hopeless and believing that I had absolutely no control over my future or what I could manifest. I look back over these sessions to where I was before and it’s incredible how much has changed in my life in such a short time. I had 12 life coaching sessions over 13 weeks with Kathryn and I believe they have given me the tools to move forward in life on my own terms while being completely in control of my thoughts and how I respond to the everyday circumstances I encounter.


Lisa P

I highly recommend Kathryn’s coaching services. She helped me to embrace who I am and share it with the world – both at work and in my personal life. She helped me access my own confidence and feel empowered to show up as me. I now treat myself with more compassion than ever before, love myself more deeply than ever before, and hear myself more clearly than ever before. I have an inner strength that I know is there for me, and her coaching helped me to access this and believe in it. Thank you Kathryn. You’ve changed my life and I am so grateful to you.

Kayla M

You held space for the thoughts that needed identifying and cleaning up, many of which I didn’t even recognize were thoughts. I often was ready to get to the “real problem” (as I perceived it) and you gently held space in the present moment. You also helped me see the scarcity that I was creating by “believing” my old, recycled thoughts while also empowering me to believe in my goals for which I don’t have “evidence.” Your ability to lovingly challenge me while cheerleading and empowering my most authentic self are your magical superpowers.


Coaching with you helped me look at myself with more compassion. It let me see others through a clearer lens. So much of what I’ve been thinking is based on my own judgements, insecurities, and past stories and you really pulled me out of the water with the questions you asked to help me see that my thoughts are just thoughts, not necessarily truth. I’ve been able to show up for myself more, understand what I need, love my friends and family with more compassion, and challenge my own thoughts in a way that has me excited and hopeful!

Kristen G

This life coaching was an exceptionally helpful experience and one that I plan to continue to utilize as I need ‘tune-ups’. I have gone through several types of therapy in my lifetime and this was by far the most meaningful for me. I appreciated the coaching because it was more than just hearing my own thoughts. I feel more empowered and I have a better perspective on what I have control over and what I do not. Kathryn provided support during times that were full of worry and regret and gave me the tools I needed to find hope during this life transition.

Deniese L

Here is the super thing about having a life coach…it is nothing like you might think it is! Frankly I thought that Kathryn was just going to help me figure out a few things. Instead, it was like a light bulb turned on. She shared tools to help me uncover the true issues within my life challenges. I feel empowered now because I recognize the reasons behind my feelings. With that, I am able to work through the issues that come up. Kathryn, you have been instrumental in my personal growth and I am forever grateful.


I was feeling crappy about work and the direction my life was taking. I really wanted to take control over my future. It’s funny, but, it’s hard to remember how bad I was feeling back when I started. The main thing coaching with Kathryn gave me was responsibility – for my thoughts, feelings and actions. Coaching has really taught me how to make better choices about my thoughts which leads to better everything. It’s changed the way I think, all day, every day, about everything. I feel in control. No more “at the mercy” of anything or anybody.


The first time I was coached by Kathryn, she kind of irritated me. I truly believed that “she just didn’t understand” what I was telling her. As I reflect back to that session, I can see so clearly how her calm kindness toward me prompted her to say the hard things. My brain just didn’t want to “see” what she saw. She didn’t push. She just stood by me. She let me have my space. She let me process. It was weeks later before I actually had the “ah-ha” moment & embraced my own transformation. Coaching for 7 months was worth my time and Kathryn was definitely worth every penny!

Serena R

Coaching with you was a fantastic experience! I knew I was in a funk but had no idea how good I would feel after a few months. In fact the outcome was very different from what I had envisioned. Originally I wanted to “discover my life purpose” (loft goal). Through skillful coaching I came to realize that I was already living my life purpose! What you did was help me see how it was my thinking about myself and my experiences that clouded my perception and my outlook on life. A “roller coaster” can in fact be an exciting and positive thing!

Lisa B

Coaching with Kathryn is a gift I give myself. On this journey of life, she is a fellow traveler, a cheerleader, a confidant, and a mirror for me. I read a lot of books by great teachers but when I talk to Kathryn, she takes the theory that I am reading and helps me apply it to my specific situation in ways I am unable to see alone. I highly recommend her to anyone wanting someone to walk along beside them.



Reclaim Your Life Musings

Emotions: Your Guide to Freedom

Our emotions play an integral role in every aspect of our lives. They are our guidance system. Listening to them and understanding their important messages help us live a more fulfilling and...

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Your Energy is Your Power

Over and over, this continues to hold true.We often think the event is going to be the thing that makes all the difference for us. We believe that the event will be the mood shifter, the game...

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Presence is a Gift

Presence is a gift. There are powerful messages there. Being in the present moment isn’t about never wanting more for yourself, in fact it is how you create what you want. If you constantly wish or...

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Empowering you to create personal growth and transformation to move beyond the past and reclaim your life.

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